Sun DeLarge

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Hello, my name is 0 likes

A few nights ago I was angry typing my feelings on my lap top. That means I was close the the ENTER button and at any moment I could have published my angry rant about a certain A-hole. Luckily it did not happen. I was so freakishly pissed off like never before! I was typing all kinds of shit. Just baggin’ on and shadin’ all kinds of people. It started with one person and then happened to end with many. I had this really killer flow going.

This was risky stuff because this blog is only a single press of the publish button and then BAM! its done! sent out into the universe. I was typing in fury on my lap top and that is the very place where all the wrong buttons are pushed by accident. This has happened before so it was a close call, that I almost called someone out.

By the way, since ain’t no body readin my shit , I am getting a pod cast this summer…BOO-Ya! Why would I do that? Because I have a book called Podcasting for dummies. Maybe nobody reads this blog cuz it is a waste of time. But that is what I said it was from the beginning. I said here is a good time waster for ya!

Perhaps the stuff from the old blog threads was read in the wrong tone. It was supposed to be read in a charming personality. Don’t picture me literally sitting here in my trapezoid-shaped paper- thin clothes from KOHL’s and my sad hair bun. If you are picturing that sadness, then I have to tell you that I always have my foot up on the window sill whilst I type. It keeps the blood flowing to my heart. On a side note: Happy Valentines Day! Ya, pfffft whad-eva

Let’s get back on track here: This blog is about how I almost let everyone know I was super pissed and that I was blogging angrily on my lap top which is dangerously close to the ENTER button . And…

I will tell you that it was super therapeutic to write all my thoughts out! Not that I ever will… but now I can see why people journal. The next day I read my blog draft and had a different perspective. Yikes. I deleted that right away! Just like that the whole problem was deleted and now we all “GUCCI” babey!