Sun DeLarge

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Friends! Strangers! Aquaintances!...ARTISTS! Please read this!

And consider checking out this RAW Natural Born Artists ‘IMPACT’ show we are talking about. If you want to save some money get your tickets directly through me. Just give me your name and they will have your tickets at the door! That way you would not have to pay any booking/services fees online. Just message me on Messenger or our Facebook page!

Recently we found out that our new little troupe has been invited to be a part of an epic indoor arts festival that is coming to Salt Lake City!

This event gives artists a chance to network with others and be able to show or sell their work. Such a variety of talent is here featuring Salt Lake City artists. Please check out there website to learn more about it and please sponsor our troupe Sun DeLarge when you purchase your tickets. (or from me if you want to save on fees)

Peace Out my loveys! Yes! I am drinking 7.75% Squatters Hells Keep! That is how I get the ovaries to post shiz on this blog! Bah-der! Sometimes I regret it the next morning, BUT NOT THIS TIME! I mean everything I post tonight!.…XOxo! ….Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?…*hic-up*…actually, I better double check this tomorrow.

I made a lot of big promises about this new belly dance troupe for 2019. Not gonna lie, it has been hard to find the right fit for members. There have been many different and wonderful interpretations; and awesome ideas from the variety of dancers who have given our troupe a try. Thank you dancers!

We are still looking for new members and now that we have some experience with new dancers, we have narrowed down some key elements.

Some important things to help us find the right fit would be:

1) Eventually some crafting or sewing of your own costume or prop will happen with this troupe.

2) We think members might want to live in the Salt Lake valley because we only meet for one hour about three or four times a month and that is not fair to anyone who would have to drive an hour to meet for an hour.

3) Must be flexible enough to do shows out of town once or twice a year on top of our usual shows and maybe a few spontaneous shows spotted in between that schedule.

4) Damn! I did not realize how much I am asking of people. Sorry. I also have to mention that we are unique creators. That means we have a dynamic that may be difficult to follow for some and may be super laid back and easy for others. Yes it is a bit sloppy and backwards sometimes but that is how we craft and create. Just have faith in the project manager and everything will work out beautifully.

5) Dedication and participation are great aspects too.

Thank you to Rue Day for helping me out with our Facebook page and putting her time into the Sun DeLarge troupe. She has been supportive all around. It turns out that Rue and I both have the same dedication and drive to support the troupe and that is what is helping this project grow. Shout out to her and to us for putting our differences aside to work on some artistic creations. A-whooP Whoop.

It is strange to think that Rue and I used to not “get along” off and on back in the Whirlwinds days. Rue used to be a part of the Whirlwinds of Brogla troupe from 2012 - 2015. Back then my ex-best friend MG was always there to neutralize us two leos. Haha.

Let me just put this tid bit out there because it boggles the mind. My old BFF MG is now Rue’s BFF and I get to see lovely posts of them being cute and vacationing and having lots of fun together. yaaaaaay -_- (we good tho’). This falls perfectly into the pattern of my life. heh heh.

SERIOUSLY though, check out this event and support us, Sun DeLarge and purchase your tickets through our SunDeLarge RAWartists profile page! Thank you!

Please sponsor us for your Salt Lake City local artist when purchasing your tickets! Thank you!

See ya’ll Tuesday April 30th at The Depot at 7pm. Remember, you can save some cash and get the tickets through me! Message me!