Sun DeLarge

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We get to do another RAW show!

On the condition that we do not do it here in Salt Lake City. It is not because it was “awkwardly IMPACTful”. It means that we do not have to sell tickets for it. Any city in the world where RAW tours we can do a performance. We only get the one more performance so as much as we would love to perform in New York City or Australia, our artistic budget only allows us to do Boise Idaho. Thank goodness it happens to be a college party town with a shit load of bars and clubs! Yay! That means the babysitter gets a free trip with us! Thanks Mom!

Rue and I both had some crazy shit happening these past couple of months and Sun DeLarge only had 11 days to make our RAW dance. We literally met only 3 times for one hour each time! We worked hard because the show must go on and we were doing this gig no matter what! Also, we custom dyed and hand made the silk wings for the dance. In case the dance did not go over well we were relying on our fashion designed wings as our art piece.

The story behind those wings and our color pallet is as follows: We are channeling the universe. The heavens as we can see it through human eyes. With the ultra violet colors of new and dying stars. The heavenly bodies that make up the galaxy. Swirls of energy, black holes, comets, the twinkle of the stars! We are here in our bodies to see the beauty visually yet we are blind to our fate in the universe. If that was confusing, well then, that is why we would rather dance it out than talk about it.

In our last choreography with the Isis wings, we kind of channeled a different kind of heaven. A heaven that is in our hopes, hearts and souls. Filled with more of a spiritual energy inside of us. Our color pallet was angelic with white, silver, and gold.

We had a lot fun and we missed you! We wished you were there! Aside from the bartender being rude to Rue when she was trying to order her shot of Jaeger. For some reason he did not see the blindfolded women with silk wings beckoning him. This made her feel ignored and it made her have to holler at him to get his attention. He then took it the wrong way and got an attitude. And then she did not know it was more money than she had on her and he dumps it out in front of her. boo. She was only wearing her caped wings and blindfold because we were about to go on stage. Anyways, like I said, we totally had fun. We loved it. The art gallery, the line up, the booze, professional lighting, and the ‘professiona’l photographers, the booze, the staff and a killer sound system!

Big! Big! Big ass thank you for my daughter and her friends, Rue and her friends and family, and my Jerry and his friends! Thank you so much for getting tickets to this venue. We came out a ticket ahead! Can’t wait for the next show and hopefully we have some new members by then. yay